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Why fitting a prosthesis sooner
2019-11-29 Hits:The sooner prosthetics are fitted after surgery, the less psychological distress an amputee will experience.
If the prosthesis is delayed or not assembled, the disabled friend will suffer more anxiety and sadness, because the early assembly of the prosthesis allows the disabled friend to integrate the prosthesis into their body image, allowing them to focus on the acquisition of function rather than on the loss of the limb.
The earlier the prosthesis is fitted, the better the functional recovery and psychological adaptation of the disabled friend will be, and the better it will help the amputee to overcome the phantom sensation and phantom pain.
Unfortunately, after the amputation of one lower limb, due to the loss of balance of the limb, the person will try to maintain balance, resulting in a bad tilt of the limb and the lateral curvature of the spine.
As time goes by, the chest will be deformed and the internal organs will be compressed and damaged.
If there is a trend of knee flexion after leg amputation, in order to reduce the pain, patients often unconsciously take to encourage this bad position, and flexion contracture will occur when prosthetic limbs are installed in the future, causing unnecessary trouble for normal life.
Therefore, from the next day after amputation, prone position and mirror correction training must be carried out several times a day.
Wear the prosthesis as soon as possible and absolutely avoid the bad posture occurs.
After surgery, amputees have little chance to exert the strength of the stump before the prosthetic assembly, which is very easy to form muscle disuse atrophy.
Most of the residual limb persons after surgery, often with a pillow will stump mat is high, sometimes used to knee and hip in the buckling part, make joint greatly increase the chance of producing a flexion contracture, may produce one or two weeks after the operation, since then, the prosthetic effect of joint flexion and extension and body oscillation, the role of fluency
At the same time, the aesthetics of prosthesis and walking are also greatly implicated.
Therefore, early rehabilitation training and prosthesis assembly as soon as possible can almost avoid all flexion contracture, so that you can achieve better installation effect after prosthetic assembly.
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