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Trulife STF190
2021-11-02 Hits:
Trulife meets the needs of patients with different levels of activity and simplifies complex problems! -- STF190, put it on and go where you want. The STF190 carbon fiber foot has a multi-axis ankle system that combines carbon composite S-shaped shank and split keel for dynamic features such as heel strike shock absorption, smooth roll, controlled plantar bending, keel split stability and balanced transition from heel to toe. Both patients and technicians can use it easily. This carefully crafted foot by the Trulife team is durable and stylish, allowing patients to easily alternate stairs. The foot plate is equipped with a smooth and sensitive design that easily ADAPTS to the user's various gaits when swinging and standing. STF190 is a powerful and reliable solution for users of moderate to high intensity activities. The total weight of STF190 footboard is only 493G, reasonable counterweight not only reduces the burden of users, but also won't have a feeling of lighthearted.

A variety of functions free choice
To increase backflexion resistance and stability in the middle of the stand, simply insert the desired toe wedge between the calf and the keel as shown in the picture, secure with a drop of glue, and if the adjustment is successful, secure with more super glue.
Trulife feet have nine category options available. Each is designed and tested to support a specific combination of weight and impact levels. To optimize selection and ensure amputee safety, follow these two steps to determine the appropriate category.
• Find columns that correspond to the level of influence of the amputee.
• Find the weight of the amputee in the selected column.

Trulife STF190 has won wide acclaim for its strong functionality and stable quality performance. It can accompany you through the city, also can accompany you outdoor off-road, you can rest assured to take it to the place you want to go, it will also take you farther, more stable, more relaxed. For more information, please contact 400-920-6789.
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