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Do you want to run? Do you want to exercise? But your foot may not allow you do that.
2021-08-30 Hits:
Matching feet should understand the performance of feet itself not only, combine oneself body circumstance and economic actual strength to choose even.
First of all, what is K?
This is a grading system established by MEDICARE that rates the functional potential of lower limb amputees.
This system contains K-levels, simply known as activity levels!
Although our prosthetics are not covered by health insurance, the patient's ability/potential assessment is still based on this system.
Scope of activities that each "Activity Level" can achieve:
In simple terms
K0- For patients who do not have the ability or potential to move or transfer safely, and whose prosthesis does not improve quality of life or mobility, these patients require a cosmetic prosthesis.
With this level of prosthesis, the limb looks intact but has no practical function.
(At present, few common prosthetic products have K0 level, and assembling K0 level prosthetic is not reimbursed in the United States)
K1- Suitable for patients with the ability or potential to transfer or move on flat ground with a prosthesis at a fixed rhythm.
Patients at this level are fitted with prostheses for indoor mobility.
K2- Suitable for walking ability or potential, and able to challenge certain environmental obstacles, such as walking up and down stairs or on uneven roads.
Patients at this level are equipped with prostheses to achieve indoor and outdoor (community) mobility, daily life, shopping for food, cooking, walking and so on.
K3- Suitable for patients who are able or likely to move at a different pace.
Patients are able to challenge most environmental barriers and meet the demands of daily life/work etc.
Daily quiet, not good exercise, more house young limb friends can choose this grade of foot board.
K4- Suitable for patients with prosthesis whose walking ability or potential exceeds basic walking skills and who have high mobility needs.
Great for children/active adults/athletes etc.
Everyone is known to climb Mount Everest single-footed Xia Boyu teacher matching is this level of foot board.
So, the level of activity that the amputee wants to achieve has to be communicated to the prosthesis manager to choose the foot.
I think this is probably the problem that many amputee friends ignore when choosing the foot board, and even install a prosthesis without knowing what the "activity level" is, and then find it retired (broken) in two years!
A good design is always forward-looking. We often see young athletes running on the grass, running on the playground, playing basketball and other sports. This SCH110 can help them move better.

上一篇:Do you have these problem when you are choosing prosthetic. Today let us get the misunderstanding clearly. 下一篇:Introduction to prosthesis assembly