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Do you know how is it important to wear a suitable lower limb prosthesis?
2021-08-16 Hits:
Prosthesis become an important part of the body when worn. Improper use and assembly of prosthetic limbs can not only cause problems with the stump itself, but also sometimes cause problems with other parts of the body.

Long-term use of unsuitable prostheses may generally lead to the following diseases:
1. Skin friction damage of load-bearing parts of the stump
It is more common in the bony prominences of the stump.
At first, the skin surface redness, severe even blisters, skin abrasions.
Long-term use of inappropriate leg prosthetics can cause bursa in the head of the fibula (due to long-term friction between the wall of the cavity and the skin of the bony protuberance, forming a mass). When red, swollen, hot and painful, it is called bursa inflammation.
To this kind of problem should be given priority to prevention, pay attention to residual limb skin damage at any time, timely discovery, timely search for the cause, timely solution.
This kind of problem is caused by the stump acceptance cavity is not suitable, sometimes may be caused by the improper wearing, but also may be caused by the stump muscle atrophy and bone protrusion is too obvious, generally need to ask the prosthesis technician to adjust the acceptance cavity to solve.
In a small number of amputees, bone punctures at the end of the bone often cause local pain and skin friction, requiring surgical resection.
2. Skin diseases of the stump
Due to the lack of good stump and prosthesis acceptance cavity cleaning work, caused by bacterial infection folliculitis or a variety of mold caused by skin ringworm.
For this kind of problem should also be prevented, do a good job of stump, stump socks, cavity cleaning.
If skin disease is found, the prosthesis should be disused and treated in time.
3. residual limb muscle atrophy and blood supply disorder
Some of the muscles in the stump are no longer moving after being cut off, and the prosthesis is often pressured, so the muscles in the stump will atrophy more and more after long-term use of the prosthesis.
Muscle atrophy will cause the stump blood circulation is poor, stump cold and easy to cause stump pain, phantom pain.
To prevent muscle atrophy, amputees should pay attention to frequent phantom limb exercise.
In general, amputees retain a sense of the phantom limb (see question 4). In phantom limb exercise, thigh amputees can practice a fantasy of continuous exertion to extend or bend the knee for more than 10 seconds each time.
Lower leg amputees can practice the illusion of lifting the instep with force and pushing the foot down with force.
In addition, lower leg amputees should pay attention to trying to adjust the stump cavity to full weight bearing or full contact.
For those who use leg prosthetics with knee hinges and upper thigh straps, care should also be taken not to fasten the middle belt of the upper thigh straps too tightly, so as not to affect the blood supply of the stump.
4. Lymphatic stasis inflammation of the distal soft tissue of the stump
The receiving cavity of modern lower limb prostheses is mostly closed. If the stump and the receiving cavity can be fully contacted, there will generally be no problem. If there is a gap between the end of the stump and the bottom of the receiving cavity, the stump should be lifted once.
Due to the downward movement of the prosthetic limb, the gap of the acceptance cavity becomes larger, and there is a negative pressure, which is equivalent to a cupping therapy in Traditional Chinese medicine. For a little longer, the soft tissue at the end of the stump will appear red, swollen and tender, which is called lymphatic stasis inflammation.
Prevention of this kind of problem is also the priority, requiring all the thigh or leg prosthesis closed cavity must achieve full contact with the stump.
Do not force a closed receptor if full contact cannot be achieved.
For patients with depressive inflammation, it is recommended to stop the prosthesis in time and bandage it with elastic bandages. If necessary, it can be combined with hot compress or some physical therapy.
5. Scoliosis and low back pain
Most lower limb prostheses are fitted with inappropriate lengths.
Too long or too short will cause the amputee to stand when the pelvis tilt, lumbar scoliosis, a long time will cause low back pain, should be identified as early as possible, early contact with a prosthetic technician to assist in adjustment.
It is generally required that healthy limbs and artificial limbs are the same length, and thigh prostheses can be shorter, which should not exceed 1 cm.
1. Skin friction damage of load-bearing parts of the stump
It is more common in the bony prominences of the stump.
At first, the skin surface redness, severe even blisters, skin abrasions.
Long-term use of inappropriate leg prosthetics can cause bursa in the head of the fibula (due to long-term friction between the wall of the cavity and the skin of the bony protuberance, forming a mass). When red, swollen, hot and painful, it is called bursa inflammation.
To this kind of problem should be given priority to prevention, pay attention to residual limb skin damage at any time, timely discovery, timely search for the cause, timely solution.
This kind of problem is caused by the stump acceptance cavity is not suitable, sometimes may be caused by the improper wearing, but also may be caused by the stump muscle atrophy and bone protrusion is too obvious, generally need to ask the prosthesis technician to adjust the acceptance cavity to solve.
In a small number of amputees, bone punctures at the end of the bone often cause local pain and skin friction, requiring surgical resection.
2. Skin diseases of the stump
Due to the lack of good stump and prosthesis acceptance cavity cleaning work, caused by bacterial infection folliculitis or a variety of mold caused by skin ringworm.
For this kind of problem should also be prevented, do a good job of stump, stump socks, cavity cleaning.
If skin disease is found, the prosthesis should be disused and treated in time.
3. residual limb muscle atrophy and blood supply disorder
Some of the muscles in the stump are no longer moving after being cut off, and the prosthesis is often pressured, so the muscles in the stump will atrophy more and more after long-term use of the prosthesis.
Muscle atrophy will cause the stump blood circulation is poor, stump cold and easy to cause stump pain, phantom pain.
To prevent muscle atrophy, amputees should pay attention to frequent phantom limb exercise.
In general, amputees retain a sense of the phantom limb (see question 4). In phantom limb exercise, thigh amputees can practice a fantasy of continuous exertion to extend or bend the knee for more than 10 seconds each time.
Lower leg amputees can practice the illusion of lifting the instep with force and pushing the foot down with force.
In addition, lower leg amputees should pay attention to trying to adjust the stump cavity to full weight bearing or full contact.
For those who use leg prosthetics with knee hinges and upper thigh straps, care should also be taken not to fasten the middle belt of the upper thigh straps too tightly, so as not to affect the blood supply of the stump.
4. Lymphatic stasis inflammation of the distal soft tissue of the stump
The receiving cavity of modern lower limb prostheses is mostly closed. If the stump and the receiving cavity can be fully contacted, there will generally be no problem. If there is a gap between the end of the stump and the bottom of the receiving cavity, the stump should be lifted once.
Due to the downward movement of the prosthetic limb, the gap of the acceptance cavity becomes larger, and there is a negative pressure, which is equivalent to a cupping therapy in Traditional Chinese medicine. For a little longer, the soft tissue at the end of the stump will appear red, swollen and tender, which is called lymphatic stasis inflammation.
Prevention of this kind of problem is also the priority, requiring all the thigh or leg prosthesis closed cavity must achieve full contact with the stump.
Do not force a closed receptor if full contact cannot be achieved.
For patients with depressive inflammation, it is recommended to stop the prosthesis in time and bandage it with elastic bandages. If necessary, it can be combined with hot compress or some physical therapy.
5. Scoliosis and low back pain
Most lower limb prostheses are fitted with inappropriate lengths.
Too long or too short will cause the amputee to stand when the pelvis tilt, lumbar scoliosis, a long time will cause low back pain, should be identified as early as possible, early contact with a prosthetic technician to assist in adjustment.
It is generally required that healthy limbs and artificial limbs are the same length, and thigh prostheses can be shorter, which should not exceed 1 cm.
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