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To avoid the myth of prosthetic, which prosthetic should be chosen?Find a prosthetic that fits you?
2021-07-16 Hits:
Which prosthesis is better?
How often do I replace my prosthesis?
Today, Disan taught you how to avoid the myth of choosing a prosthesis

How often do I replace my prosthesis?
Today, Disan taught you how to avoid the myth of choosing a prosthesis

The 4 misunderstandings of choosing prosthesis
Myth 1: A year after amputation to install a prosthetic?
The stump after amputation is oedema, can the stump after installing artificial limb atrophy?
Nevertheless, it is important to install prostheses as early as possible, with temporary prostheses first to facilitate stump shaping and lay the groundwork for formal prostheses.
Myth2: A prosthetic limb lasts a lifetime?
At present, the international standard is that prosthetic parts are not damaged after 3 million times of dynamic strength testing. The average amputee walks about 3,000 steps a day, or about 1 million steps a year. Prosthetic parts are not damaged after 3 million times of dynamic strength testing, and the warranty of the parts is only two to three years.
Myth3: The more expensive the prosthetic, the better it works?
When choosing a prosthetic limb, amputees should fully consider various conditions, such as age, weight, physical health, living environment, nature of work, stump condition (length, soft tissue condition, stump strength, scar condition) and so on, rather than blindly pursue high price.
There are expensive prosthetic joints that work well, but they are not for everyone.
Myth 4: With artificial limbs, you can act like a normal person?
There are foot plates, knee joints, connecting tubes, etc. In addition to the personalized customization of the receiving cavity, other accessories are mass produced and supplied by manufacturers and brands to the prosthetic company.
Prosthetic companies do not produce parts and components, so the selection of a prosthetic company should focus on its technical team.
Myth 1: A year after amputation to install a prosthetic?
The stump after amputation is oedema, can the stump after installing artificial limb atrophy?
Nevertheless, it is important to install prostheses as early as possible, with temporary prostheses first to facilitate stump shaping and lay the groundwork for formal prostheses.
Myth2: A prosthetic limb lasts a lifetime?
At present, the international standard is that prosthetic parts are not damaged after 3 million times of dynamic strength testing. The average amputee walks about 3,000 steps a day, or about 1 million steps a year. Prosthetic parts are not damaged after 3 million times of dynamic strength testing, and the warranty of the parts is only two to three years.
Myth3: The more expensive the prosthetic, the better it works?
When choosing a prosthetic limb, amputees should fully consider various conditions, such as age, weight, physical health, living environment, nature of work, stump condition (length, soft tissue condition, stump strength, scar condition) and so on, rather than blindly pursue high price.
There are expensive prosthetic joints that work well, but they are not for everyone.
Myth 4: With artificial limbs, you can act like a normal person?
There are foot plates, knee joints, connecting tubes, etc. In addition to the personalized customization of the receiving cavity, other accessories are mass produced and supplied by manufacturers and brands to the prosthetic company.
Prosthetic companies do not produce parts and components, so the selection of a prosthetic company should focus on its technical team.

What to consider when choosing a prosthetic limb?
1. What function does the assembled prosthetic limb want to achieve?
2. Match products according to their own height, age, weight, gender, amount of exercise and career direction after prosthesis rehabilitation.
3. Age of the patient.
Minors may need to replace a prosthesis in about a year to a year and a half. It is not recommended that minors choose too expensive products, which can help them walk best.
4. Reasons for amputation.
If disabled by industrial injury and car accident, the economic pressure on the assembly will be much lower, but for patients with amputation due to disease will be painful, in the choice of products must take into account the current condition of the disease, whether the later treatment, recurrence and other issues, please choose the prosthesis according to the actual situation.

On all kinds of certification materials issued by formal companies have legal effect
1, industrial injury patients.
The issue of social security placement directly restricts the choice of technology for patients, and also lacks the evaluation dimension.
Referring to the local regulations and the list of configuration agencies of local social security bureaus in this respect, usually, only one will be identified.
2. Car accident patients.
As long as the regular prosthesis company can issue the "prosthesis fitting certificate" (or "diagnosis certificate") for the proof of compensation in court.
3. Patients with extreme financial difficulties can apply for free prosthetic limbs of the DISABLED Persons Union.
Local disabled persons' federations have certain funds to help poor disabled people to install universal prosthetics and achieve the goal of standing up.
For example, "The Yangtze River New Mileage Plan", "help to travel project" and so on.
4. Whether it is necessary to match the silicone sleeve.
"If economic conditions permit, it is best to match the silicone sleeve.
Because the silicone sleeve can best solve the problem of protecting the skin, strengthening the suspension, reducing the string, dispersing the residual limb pressure, softening the skin, and maximizing the comfort of the accepting cavity.
5, the amputation site is not suitable for functional prosthesis is recommended to assemble decorative prosthesis.
The gloves, which are similar in color and surface structure to a normal hand, show the shape of the artificial hand and make it more realistic.
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