News Center
2022-07-05Product Characteristics The EBS function means prosthetic knee operation safety in varied flexion angles. It provides 0-15 degree flexion shock absorption for the prosthetic knee joint when walking in order to make the gait cycle more comfo...
2021-09-30Trulife is a global business with over 60 years experience as a leading manufacturer of medical devices and specialist healthcare products. When the organization was bought by Noel J. Murphy in 1987 he set about appointing an experienced an...
Shanghai DISAN successfully participated in "2019 China (Changzhou) International Rehabilitation Equipment Expo"
2021-09-292019年6月28日,中国(常州)国际康复器具博览会在常州国际会展中心拉开帷幕。上海迪萨作为国际先进假肢技术的领导者亮相展会,展示了世界假肢行业顶尖品牌FREEDOM、COLLEGE PARK及UN...
The seventh sixth executive council meeting, the fourth council meeting and "CHINA Rehabilitation assistive products enterprises in Anyang" activities
2021-09-16The seventh sixth executive council meeting, the fourth council meeting and CHINA Rehabilitation assistive products enterprises in Anyang activities (The conference begins on 8 April 2021 and ends on 10 April 2021) In order to better implem...
Do you have any idea how scary scoliosis is?More seriously, It can affect heart and lung function and gastrointestinal system !
2021-09-16What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a common bone problem. In standing position, the normal alignment of the spine should be symmetrical on the left and right sides of the body, whether viewed from the front or back, and the normal alignment of...