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Trustep foot and bumpers are available now
2019-07-24 Hits:
In response to the requirements of clients for bumpers, Shanghai Disan has imported a batch of bumpers from CPI Company of the United States. Now they are in stock. Clients in need can contact the office directly.
Original and unrivaled, the Trustep sets the standard for unsurpassed comfort and natural-feeling mobility. It was the first to provide correct movement in all planes allowing for nearly the same vertical motion, rotation and stability as an anatomical foot. With a full range of options available, the versatile design allows complete customization

上一篇:Shanghai DISAN successfully participated in "2019 China (Changzhou) International Rehabilitation Equipment Expo" 下一篇:The Victor knee joints are newly arrived
Original and unrivaled, the Trustep sets the standard for unsurpassed comfort and natural-feeling mobility. It was the first to provide correct movement in all planes allowing for nearly the same vertical motion, rotation and stability as an anatomical foot. With a full range of options available, the versatile design allows complete customization

上一篇:Shanghai DISAN successfully participated in "2019 China (Changzhou) International Rehabilitation Equipment Expo" 下一篇:The Victor knee joints are newly arrived